If you are ready to earn great commissions this program is for you! Refer us property owners interested in our subscription services and earn 10% of the value of each new subscription! This program is excellent if you offer any kind of service to vacation rental property owners, property management companies, hotel managers or innkeepers.
How Can I refer you property Owners?
It's simple! Once you join our program you will have access to our banners and promotional material which contain an affiliate code that uniquely identifies you. Place these banners on your website. When one of your website visitors clicks on one of these banners and subscribes with us, we will credit you 20% of the value of this subscription! It's really that easy! Place the banners once, get commissions several times! Fill out the application and Join Here!
How would I get paid?
Payment will be done via PayPal or checks every month. If the referral fees payable to you for any calendar month are less than $30USD we will hold those referral fees until the total amount due is at least $30USD. If you do not have a PayPal account we can send you checks once you have reached $100 USD. You will be able to check commission reports by logging into your account.

Fill out the application and Join Now.
How do I Join?

Fill out the form at this page: http://affiliate.rentalo.com/signup.php. Once your application is reviewed and approved, you will have access to our material. That's it! You will be able to start placing our banners and earning commissions!

Fill out the application and Join Now.



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