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Our listing services feature
great advertising value and ROI

We also offer 6-month subscriptions from $119!
Web Page Listing ? check check check-plus
Private Leads ? check check check-plus
Destination Leads ? check check
Priority Placement ?     check
One-Way Link ?     check
Marketing Boost ?     check
Minimum Leads Guarantee ? 25 37 50
1000% ROI ? check check check

logos BBB Paypal

I have advertised with rentalo since 2003. I get far more emails from your site than any other I advertise on. Your site is so easy to use and soon puts potential guests in touch with home owners.You have a wonderful service. where any problem/question is soon dealt with. The live chat is a fantastic service. Good work!
Susan Dyson, Rentalo ID 17027
As long as I will own and manage my beautiful vacation rental on the Northshore of Kauai, I will rely on my listing with Rentalo to steer guests to my site, and I must b`e one of the original subscribers.
Dr. Paul Weinberg, Rentalo ID 117185

1000% ROI Guarantee – All our 'Pay per Listing' subscriptions are backed up by our 1000% ROI gurantee which gurantees that owners will receive 1000% returns (as a minimum) on their investments, eliminating the risks involved in paying an upfront fee, learn more.

Minimum Leads Guarantee (new!)– Our 'Pay per Listing' subscriptions are also guarantee to receive certain number of leads (as a minimum), reducing even more all the risks involved in paying an upfront fee, learn more.

Plus … Highly Effective Proactive Marketing Tools & Automation

Special Offers – This is a powerful marketing tool useful for promoting special discounts and last-minute deals. Special offers are automatically posted in 40+ social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Special Offers are also converted into HD videos and syndicated in 10+ top video sites (e.g. YouTube) as well as several travel news and blogs sites via RSS feeds. This feature is available at no extra cost to all paid listings, learn more.
Auto Offers– A time saving feature that allows travelers to instantly receive offers (quotes) when inquiring on a destination. This feature can be turn ON/OFF anytime, and it is available at no extra cost to all listing subscriptions.
Optional Services to Pay Per Listing subscriptions:

Banner Ads– For those who prefer to re-direct traffic to their own website, a rotating banner ad in the destination of their choice is a great investment to receive highly targeted leads and increase traffic, learn more.
Email Marketing– We can also work with you to develop a promotion or generate buzz and grow your business via RENTalo's database of 1.3 million opted-in travelers, travel agencies, and hospitality businesses, learn more.
EZ BookMe– An online reservation service designed to facilitate reservations for travelers and save merchant fees and per booking fees for property owners. This service is only available to clients with paid listings. Additional service fees apply.
EZ Reserve– Access to a state-of-the-art back-end invoicing and reservation management tool that allow property owners to send invoices and collect reservation payments via Paypal. This service is only available to clients with paid listings. Additional service fees apply.
EZ Calling– Paid listings may also benefit from a low cost toll-free extension, as well as higher leads-to-booking conversions via click-to-talk facility, and inquiry-to-phone notifications. To learn more, click the 'EzCalling' tab when signed-in as owner.
Video Marketing – We can help you promote your property or website via video marketing. We will create a video, optimize it to rank in the search engines, and syndicate it to the top video sites, attracting more travelers.
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