Press releases

Great things are happening at Rentalo! Now with over 50,000 listings in close to 10,000 destinations! If you have not visited Rentalo lately, you should check it out!

December 2002

What's in this email?

Rentalo Launches Filters to Our Rental Inquiry service

As part of our commitment to provide a high quality service, we recently implemented a new filtering system intended to improve the quality of the leads we send to our property onwers and rental managers. This new filtering system works on all our "general" destination -based inquiries. In order to make our filters take affect for your listing, you may need to edit your property listing (login to and add the following details:

Under "Edit Property Details", we now filter our general leads based on the following information:

Property Type
- By you selecting one of the three available property types (single unit, multi-unit, or room), we will send you rental leads that select your specified property type or "Any". For example, if you have a condo, we will only send rental leads from people requesting condos or "Any" as a preferred property type.

- By selecting the amount of bedrooms that your property has, we will not send leads requesting more bedrooms than what your rental property has available. At this time we are only able to filter leads requesting a larger amounts of bedrooms, not lesser.

- Select the maximum amount of people that you can accommodate (adults + children), and we send leads requesting lodging for groups or families no larger than the number you have specified. At this time we are only able to filter leads requesting larger parties, not smaller.

Minimum Stay - Stop getting leads requesting shorter stays than your specified minimum stay. If you specify various minimum stays for various date ranges, we will use the shortest minimum stay that you have specified.

Under "Edit Pricing", we also filter rental leads based on the following information:

Minimum Rate
- When you specify your nightly, weekly, or monthly rates by selecting one or more date ranges, we will calculate your daily (or nightly) rate. Then, we will filter the rental leads that specify a daily/weekly/monthly budget equal to or higher than the calculated daily rate for your rental(s).

Important: Please be aware that all the rental leads we generate are available to all our Premium customers by login to These filters only apply to the email notifications we send out from As a default, we send out ALL our general inquiries.

If you have any questions about this new filtering service, please contact us or visit our Help page.

Making it Easier for Visitors to Find Rentals

Two great things are happening as a result of Rentalo's strategy to offer a time-saving option to our visitors by allowing them to submit a rental inquiry to multiple properties at once:

1) Rentalo is able to generate an increasing amount of rental leads for our property owners. Giving them more leads to work with, year after year.

2) More and more visitors and savvy travelers are finding out about it, and they like it!. Our inquiry service is designed to make the "paying customer" do the least amount of work. Therefore, more and more rental leads are being generated each month.

Now Showing Your Rates in 5 Currencies

Rentalo staff is always coming up with innovative ways to attract visitors to view your property listing with us. In order to attract more international visitors to browse your property listing, we recently implemented foreign currencies in our site. When you enter your rates, we are now able to show it in the following currencies:

US$ · CAD · € (Euro) · £ (British pounds) · ¥ (Yens)

To take advantage of this great feature, all you need to do is edit your listing, (an option under "Editorial Screen" at, Rentalo's engine will display your minimum calculated daily (nightly) rate in our search results. We highly recommend that you take a little time to edit your listing with us and add your rates in order to attract more visitors to your listing.

Why Use our "Optional Response Form"?

As part of our commitment to improve the quality of our services, we recently enhanced our "optional response form". This form is highly recommended by Rentalo as the best way to respond to the rental leads we send to our Premium customers. Here are a few good reasons why you should use this form to respond:

  1. It increases your chances of getting feedback from the lead - We have included a simple questionnaire designed to make it easy for the lead to provide feedback to your response or rental offer.
  2. It is fast and convenient - Assuming that your listing information with us is updated, by using this form you only need to fill out the remarks section as follows: "Our rental is available for the requested timeframe for $$$. Please check property details at Rentalo". Rentalo will automatically send this feedback (or rental offer) to the lead, and include a link to your Premium listing at Rentalo. If the lead is interested, they will be able to view details in your listing at Rentalo.
  3. Leads prefer it! - As per the lead's feedback, when he/she finds a rental, Rentalo's engine automatically removes it from our system. This prevents us from continuing to send more rental offers from other Premium customers.

In addition, when Rentalo receives a feedback from a lead, we send you a notification email letting you know about his/her feedback. This notification email will include a copy of the lead's original inquiry (as reference) in case the feedback is positive.

Expert Tip: Improve Your Internet Visibility with Rentalo

At Rentalo, our objective is to help you get more bookings. In order to do that we have developed a set of FREE tools and tutorials that will help you increase the amount of visitors to your site as well as your bookings. These tools are available to you at no cost by selecting the option as "Free Tools to Promote Your Properties" from My Rentalo main menu. The tools that we currently feature have are:

Get your property web page listed for free at Google, AOL, and more through the Open Directory Project.

Increase your search engine ranking by linking among your web pages.

To learn more about these tools, log in to My Rentalo.

A division of Hi Q Telecom Inc. For questions, please write us back or call us at 1-877-710-5914 or 1-305-558-5577. We are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 7 PM EST.