Property Owners & Managers Help Compliance to Anti-Spam Laws

All commercial emails sent by Rentalo servers are in full compliance with all the commercial requirements as stated by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) CAN-Spam Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers, as described below:

All our email headers, "From", "To:", and routing information fields, including the originating email and domains are accurate and identify the person or department who initiated the email.

The subject lines are relevant and do not mislead the recipient about the contents or subject matter of the messages.

All emails provide a return email address or an Internet-based response mechanism that allows a recipient to ask us not to send future email messages to their email address, and we try our best to honor the requests immediately or within a reasonable timeframe. We offer a "menu" of choices to allow recipients to opt out of certain types of messages, and include the option to end any commercial messages from

Recipients receiving's emails can easily opt-out from receiving our emails can do that anytime by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link provided in the footer session of all of our commercial emails. Our opt-out mechanism is able to process opt-out requests immediately in real time, never exceeding the 10 days allowed by the law to stop sending emails to the requestor's email addresses. does not help any other entity send email to those email addresses that have opted-out from, nor have any other entity sending emails on's behalf to the opted-out addresses. Finally, does not sell or transfer the email addresses of people who choose not to receive our emails, even in the form of a mailing list, unless we transfer the addresses so another entity that can comply with the law.

All our email messages contain clear and conspicuous notice that the message is an advertisement or solicitation and that the recipient can opt out of receiving more commercial email from you.

All emails include a valid physical postal address.

In addtion to the above, is not involved directly or indirectly in any of the following practices:

- "Harvesting" email addresses from Web sites or Web services that have published a notice prohibiting the transfer of email addresses for the purpose of sending emails.

- Generating email addresses using a "dictionary attack" – combining names, letters, or numbers into multiple permutations.

- Using scripts or other automated ways to register for multiple email or user accounts to send commercial emails.

- Relaying emails through a computer or network without permission.

- Using another computer without authorization and send commercial email from or through it.

-Using a computer to relay or retransmit multiple commercial email messages to deceive or mislead recipients or an Internet access service about the origin of the message.

- Using falsify header information in multiple email messages and initiate the transmission of such messages.

- Registering multiple email accounts or domain names using information that falsifies the identity of the actual registrants.

- Falsely representing ourselves of multiple Internet Protocol addresses that are used to send commercial email messages.

Reference: The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers